fill the fields
with cattle the fields
are emptied of cattle
the cattle are emptied
of fields the fields are
emptied of fields the
cattle are emptied of
cattle the fields are
emptied and the
slaughterhouse is
filled the cattle are
efficiently emptied
and the supermarket
is filled we are
sufficiently filled with
others we are emptied
of ourselves there
are hidden rivers there
are hidden doors walk
through this door in
this river of fire walk
through this empty
motion this is the
motion of the fields
this is the motion of
the slaughterhouse this
is the motion of
the supermarket and
they are the motion
of capital this is proper
starve them for 24 hours
before their bleeding
this is property proper
a proper motion by
preparing the head
prepared itself and
particularly bisected
belonging to itself
ambilimbed properly
moving along the
head both rounded
the head itself
an amphitheatre
displacing the response
from its origin without
memory a rigid blooming
proper calving restraint
cut cut cut
fill the fields
with cattle the fields
are emptied of cattle
the cattle are emptied
of fields the fields are
emptied of fields the
cattle are emptied of
cattle the fields are
emptied and the
slaughterhouse is
filled the cattle are
efficiently emptied
and the supermarket
is filled we are
sufficiently filled with
others we are emptied
of ourselves there
are hidden rivers there
are hidden doors walk
through this door in
this river of fire walk
through this empty
motion this is the
motion of the fields
this is the motion of
the slaughterhouse this
is the motion of
the supermarket and
they are the motion
of capital this is proper
starve them for 24 hours
before their bleeding
this is property proper
a proper motion by
preparing the head
prepared itself and
particularly bisected
belonging to itself
ambilimbed properly
moving along the
head both rounded
the head itself
an amphitheatre
displacing the response
from its origin without
memory a rigid blooming
proper calving restraint
cut cut cut