each poem transcends words
in a successfull attempt to communicate
ground zero - the joy of nuclear
destruction promised by the present
political & religious regimes.
each poem is a drowned angel dreged
from the poluted sludge of the Cuyahoga
River, * and signed with the approval
of the OHO fascist statesmen.
each poem - a ting of nourishment for
the sages of extinction
each poem - a new death of WORDS AS ART
each poem - a death of ASS ART
each poem - a death
each poem
a poet
each poem transcends words
in a successfull attempt to communicate
ground zero - the joy of nuclear
destruction promised by the present
political & religious regimes.
each poem is a drowned angel dreged
from the poluted sludge of the Cuyahoga
River, * and signed with the approval
of the OHO fascist statesmen.
each poem - a ting of nourishment for
the sages of extinction
each poem - a new death of WORDS AS ART
each poem - a death of ASS ART
each poem - a death
each poem
a poet