::: S1 ::: receipts

beumuth’s apa rtm ent
63 in. x 2.25 in.
on the road to rehumanization
unattending human-capital redeployments
all proceeds to 84,000 translation project
Nate Hoil’s
Returning to Earth with Additional Tools
40 in. x 2.25 in.
collage of rebirth stories
reading from across a police station
puddlethumb’s [cattle]
119 in. x 2.25 in.
if Buddha's silence empties suffering,
the slaughterhouse empties language;
dying piece by piece, cattle's blood
drains quicker with a beating heart
reading from across a police station
read about our authors
read excerpts of books here
if you are unable to pay, we do exchanges.
share an exchange idea!
63 in. x 2.25 in.
on the road to rehumanization
unattending human-capital redeployments
all proceeds to 84,000 translation project
Nate Hoil’s
40 in. x 2.25 in.
collage of rebirth stories
reading from across a police station
119 in. x 2.25 in.
if Buddha's silence empties suffering,
the slaughterhouse empties language;
dying piece by piece, cattle's blood
drains quicker with a beating heart
reading from across a police station
read about our authors
read excerpts of books here
if you are unable to pay, we do exchanges.
share an exchange idea!