::: S2 ::: receipts

Nick Felaris (CODEX) & puddlethumb’s
112 in. x 2.25 in.
feedback loop
between poems and graffiti
reading across from a police station
Tommy Noell’s
102 in. x 2.25 in.
grandfather and former Death Row
inmate Tommy Noell’s call to action
for America’s working class
as well as poems in conversation
reading a poem for Tommy Noell
Tommy Noell’s Return from Falcon Prison: Death Row along an Invisible Street
Alexandre Ferrere’s
46 in. x 2.25 in.
pressing leaves into asphalt
abandon yourself
reading across from a police station
120 in. x 2.25 in.
skandha scaffolds
based on Shiraishi Chieko’s Shikawatari
and Stephen Ratcliffe’s REAL
reading under an underpass
Joey Puckett’s
52 in. x 2.25 in.
Chapter D.4
learn how to ROTC binge drink
not far from Chris Farley’s tomb
reading under an underpass
read about our authors
read excerpts of books here
if you are unable to pay, we do exchanges.
share an exchange idea!
112 in. x 2.25 in.
feedback loop
between poems and graffiti
reading across from a police station
Tommy Noell’s
102 in. x 2.25 in.
grandfather and former Death Row
inmate Tommy Noell’s call to action
for America’s working class
as well as poems in conversation
reading a poem for Tommy Noell
Tommy Noell’s Return from Falcon Prison: Death Row along an Invisible Street
Alexandre Ferrere’s
46 in. x 2.25 in.
pressing leaves into asphalt
abandon yourself
reading across from a police station
120 in. x 2.25 in.
skandha scaffolds
based on Shiraishi Chieko’s Shikawatari
and Stephen Ratcliffe’s REAL
reading under an underpass
Joey Puckett’s
52 in. x 2.25 in.
Chapter D.4
learn how to ROTC binge drink
not far from Chris Farley’s tomb
reading under an underpass
read about our authors
read excerpts of books here
if you are unable to pay, we do exchanges.
share an exchange idea!