This list of libraries, archives, bookstores, online distros, network distributors, and publisher groups is largely relegated to English-language/North American venues and focuses on those friendly to artist books, zines, and “small” press publishing. Sources include Broken Pencil, NONMACHINABLE, Gender Fail, and my own travels as a publisher.
In the effort to develop an interconnected writing and publishing community, knowledge and skills should be shared. For a related project of mine (incomplete and ongoing), see the publisher directory. See also NewLights Press’ collaborative Artists Book Collections/Retailers Info List and other resources, which continues to develop through the monthly Artist Book Conversations.
To suggest any additions or corrections, please write to betweenthehighway@gmail.com. I’m particularly interested in expanding this list’s limited scope of international venues and public libraries.
Press On!
alexander benedict, betweenthehighway
Public Libraries:
University Libraries:
Private Libraries/Archives/Centers:
Network Distributors
other directories
- Independent Bookstores in the US & Canada
- Open Book
- New York Bookstore List
- a running list of bookstores that have unionized
- unsure of accuracy
- much of this list is from NONMACHINABLE’s Guide to Zine Distros
share something and we will add it!
notice an error? write to betweenthehighway@gmail.com
This list of libraries, archives, bookstores, online distros, network distributors, and publisher groups is largely relegated to English-language/North American venues and focuses on those friendly to artist books, zines, and “small” press publishing. Sources include Broken Pencil, NONMACHINABLE, Gender Fail, and my own travels as a publisher.
In the effort to develop an interconnected writing and publishing community, knowledge and skills should be shared. For a related project of mine (incomplete and ongoing), see the publisher directory. See also NewLights Press’ collaborative Artists Book Collections/Retailers Info List and other resources, which continues to develop through the monthly Artist Book Conversations.
To suggest any additions or corrections, please write to betweenthehighway@gmail.com. I’m particularly interested in expanding this list’s limited scope of international venues and public libraries.
Press On!
alexander benedict, betweenthehighway
Public Libraries:
- Austin Public Library (Austin, Texas) : …
- Carrboro Cybrary* (Carrboro, North Carolina) : …
- Cleveland Public Libraries* (Cleveland, Ohio) : …
- Cuyahoga County Public Libraries* (Northeast Ohio) : [Form]
- Denver Zine Library (Denver, Colorado) : …
- Lakewood Public Library (Lakewood, Ohio) : (Director: James Crawford)
- Los Angeles Public Library (LA, California) : …
- …
University Libraries:
- Barnard Zine Library (NYC) : zines@barnard.edu
- More Zine Libraries
- Colorado College Library (Colorado Springs, CO) : …
- Douglas College Library (New Westminster, B.C., Canada) : [Form]
- LCC Collections and Archives (London, England) : libraryspeccolls@lcc.arts.ac.uk
- Michigan State University Libraries (East Lansing, MI) : …
- MIC Zine Library (Urbana, IL) : programdirector@ucimc.org
- NYC SVA Library (NYC) : …
- Sallie Bingham Center (Durham, North Carolina) : [Form]
- Seneca Library (Toronto, ON, Canada) : JoAnn.Purcell@senecacollege.ca
- University of Arizona Poetry Center* (Tucson, AZ) : poetry@email.arizona.edu
- University College London Library* (London, England) : …
- UNC's Sloane Art Library* (Chapel Hill, NC) : hockensm@email.unc.edu
- University of Texas Libraries (Austin, Texas) : …
- …
Private Libraries/Archives/Centers:
- 8 Ball Library* (NYC) : 8ballarchive@gmail.com
- ABC No Rio (NYC) : zine@abcnorio.org
- arrow archive (Hamilton, Ontario) : [Mail: …]
- Art Metropole (Toronto, ON) : info@artmetropole.com
- Bend Zine Library (Bend, OR) : letspartybigfoot@gmail.com
- C22* (Ipswich, Queensland) : [Mail: PO Box 389 Booval Australia 4304]
- CBAA*(Starkville, MS) : zinearchive@collegebookart.org
- Civic Media Center (Gainesville, FL) : coordinators@civicmediacenter.org
- Edinburgh Zine Library (Edinburgh, Scotland) : [Form]
- Flywheel Arts (Easthampton, MA) : zinelibrary@flywheelarts.org
- Independent Publishing Resource Center (Portland, OR) : info@iprc.org
- Internet Archive : Zines (WWW) : Let copy-right copy-rot!
- Junto Library (Winnipeg, Canada) : juntonaut@gmail.com
- Little Free Libraries* (Local to You)
- MASSIVE BOOKSHOP (Greenfield, MA) : massivebookshop@gmail.com
- Neither/nor Zine Distro (Kansas city, MO) : [Mail: …]
- New Paltz Zine Library (Catskill, NY) : [Form]
- Paper Airplanes Zine Library (Springfield, MS) : paperairplaneszinelibrary@live.com
- Papercut Zine Library (Cambridge, MA) : Papercut@riseup.net
- Quarantine Zine Club (Melbourne, Australia) : (N/A for Now)
- Queer.Archive.Work (Providence, RI) : queer.archive.work@gmail.com
- Salford Zine Library (Salford, UK) : zines@salford.ac.uk
- SCANNNERS archive (San Diego, California) : [Mail: PO BOX 3091 San Diego, CA 92163]
- Soapbox (Philadelphia, PA) : info@phillysoapbox.org
- Sticky Institute* (Melbourne, Australia) : [Form]
- Sunscream Zine Exchange (Iowa City) : [Form]
- Toronto Zine Library (Toronto, Canada) : [Mail: …]
- Trumbullplex Zine Library (Detroit, Michigan) : trumbullplex@gmail.com
- Zine Institute (Brisbane, Australia) : zineinstitute@gmail.com
- Zineopolis (Portsmouth, UK) : [Mail: …]
- Zine Volcano* (...) : smallzinevolcano@gmail.com
- Housing Works (NYC) : bookstoredonations@housingworks.org
- …
- All She Wrote Books (Somerville, MA) : info@allshewrotebooks.com
- Antidote Books (Brattleboro, VT) : hello@antidotebooks.com
- Antiquated Future (Portland, Oregon) : antiquatedfuture@gmail.com
- Art-o-Mat (Winston-Salem, NC) & : clark@artomat.org
- Atomic Books (Baltimore, MD) : [Form] consignment@atomicbooks.com
- Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop (NYC) : [Form] (N/A for Now)
- Big Idea Bookstore (Pittsburgh, PA) : thebigidea@gmail.com
- Birdcage Bottom Books (San Bernardino, CA) : [Form] (N/A for Now)
- Black Birch Books (Wasilla, Alaska) : blackbirchbooks@gmail.com
- Bluestockings Cooperative (NYC) : [Form] (Genderfail Reference)
- Boneshaker Books (Minneapolis, MN) : info@boneshakerbooks.com
- Book Culture (NYC) & : info@bookculture.com
- Boxcar Books (Bloomington, IN) : boxcar@boxcarbooks.org
- bottlesonthesill distro (...) : bottlesonthesill@yahoo.com
- Bunny Ears Distro (New Mexico) : [Form]
- Burn all Books (San Diego, CA) : [Form]
- See: SCANNNERS archive
- Center for Art, Research, and Alliances (NYC) : info@cara-nyc.org
- Codex Foundation (Berkeley, CA) : contact@codexfoundation.org (N/A for Now)
- concern newsstand* (Chapel Hill, NC) : theconcernnewsstand@gmail.com
- Crapandemic (Bloomington, IN) : psycho.zine@yahoo.com
- Dale Zine (Miami, Florida) : dalezine305@gmail.com
- Downtown Books & News (Asheville, NC) : DBNBOOKSTORE@GMAIL.COM
- Driftless Books & Music (Viroqua, WI) : info@driftlessbooks.com
- Eat My Words Bookstore (Minneapolis, MN) : eatmywordsbooks@gmail.com
- Emory Bookstore (Atlanta, GA) : sm757@bncollege.com
- Epilogue (Chapel Hill, NC) : [Form]
- Fungus Books & Records (Pittsburgh, PA) : info@fungusbooks.com
- Firestorm Books (Asheville, NC) : bookstore@firestorm.coop
- Fitz Books (Buffalo, NY) : aaron@fitzbooks.net
- Green Apple (San Francisco, CA) : consignments@greenapplebooks.com
- Haus Witch (Salem, MA) : hello@hauswitch.com
- Horizontal Books (Cleveland, Ohio) : …
- Human Relations (NYC) : info@humanrelationsbooks.com
- ICA Shop at Virginia University (Richmond, VA) : ica@vcu.edu
- Iffy Books (Philadelphia, PA) : iffybooks@iffybooks.net
- INGA (Chicago, IL) : info@i-n-g-a.com
- Irvington Vinyl & Books (Indianapolis IN) : elysia@irvingtonvinylandbooks.com
- Ithaca House* (Ithaca, NY) : ithacahousediy@gmail.com
- Jura Books (Sydney, Australia) : admin@jurabooks.au
- Kilgore Books (Denver CO) : kilgorebooks@yahoo.com
- Learned Owl (Hudson, Ohio) : books@learnedowl.com
- Left Bank Books (Seattle, WA) : leftbank@leftbankbooks.com
- LEMON CAR LOT* : (N/A for Now)
- Mac’s Backs* (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) : suzanne@macsbacks.com
- Mend My Dress (Tacoma, Washington) : MendMyDress@gmail.com
- Miriam Gallery (NYC) : hello@miriamgallery.com
- Moe’s Books (Berkeley, CA) : info@moesbooks.com
- Monkeywrench Books (Austin, Texas) : [Form]
- My Muses*(Carrboro, NC) : sales@mymusescardshop.co
- Needles & Pens (San Francisco, CA) : hello@needlesandpens.com
- New Material Books (Kansas City, MO) : [Form]
- Open Books: A Poem Emporium (Seattle, WA) : store@openpoetrybooks.com
- Passages Bookshop (Portland OR) : info@passagesbookshop.com (Spiral Editions Reference)
- peel gallery* (Carrboro, NC) : info@peel.gallery (N/A for now)
- Powell's Books (Portland, OR) & : [Form] authorsubmissions@powells.com
- Quimby's Bookstore (Chicago, Illinois) (NYC) : [Form]
- Raven Book Store (Lawrence, KS) : raven@ravenbookstore.com
- Red Emma's (Baltimore, MD) : info@redemmas.org
- Secret Headquarters (Los Angeles, CA) : shq@thesecretheadquarters.com
- seitebooks.com (Los Angeles, CA) : contact@seitebooks.com
- other books (Los Angeles, CA) : otherbooksla@gmail.com
- Skylight Books (Los Angeles, CA): ollie@skylightbooks.com
- Skyline Books (Forest Knolls, CA) : skyline@sweetbooks.com
- Tomorrow Today (Los Angeles, CA) : hello@tomorrowtoday.us
- Topos Too Bookstore (NYC) : toposbookstore@gmail.com
- Troubled Sleep (NYC) : … (Orvokki Reference)
- Ulises Books (Philadelphia, PA) : [Form]
- Uncharted Books (Chicago, Illinois) : contact@unchartedbooks.com
- Unnameable Books (NYC) : unnameablebooks@earthlink.net
- Vouched Books (...) : laura@vouchedbooks.com
- Visible Voice (Cleveland, Ohio) : info@visiblevoicebooks.com
- Wasted Ink Zine Distro (Phoenix, AZ) : [Form]
- Wendy’s Subway (NYC) : info@wendyssubway.com
- Woman and Children First (Chicago, IL) : wcfbooks@gmail.com
- Wonder Fair (Lawrence, Kansas) : orders@wonderfair.com
- Wooden Shoe Books & Records (Philadelphia, PA) : sabot@woodenshoebooks.com
- Woodland Pattern (Milwaukee, WI) : [Form]
- Writer's and Books (Rochester, NY) : ampersand@wab.org
- Yu and Me Books (NYC) : info@yuandmebooks.com
- Zine-O-Matic (...) : zineomatic@gmail.com
- …
- Active Distribution (Bristol, England) : info@activedistribution.org
- Another Story Retail (Toronto, ON) : consignment@anotherstory.ca
- Antipode Zines (UK) : [Form]
- Bookartbookshop (London, England) : bookartbookshop17@gmail.com
- Casa Bosques (Mexico City) : [Form]
- FAITH/VOID (Toronto, Canada) : ryan@faithvoidshop.com.
- Good Press (Glasgow, UK) : goodpressgallery@gmail.com
- Heavy Mental Zine Distro (Deutschland) : mail@heavymentaldistro.org
- Lighthouse (Edinburgh, Scotland) : books@lighthousebookshop.com
- Likely General (Toronto, Canada) : likelygeneral @gmail.com [Brooke]
- Lucky's (Vancouver, Canada) : [Form]
- Partizanka Press and Distro (Hamilton, Ontario) : partizankapressbooks@gmail.com (Half)
- She Said (Berlin, Deutschland) : hallo@shesaid.de
- Spartacus Books (Vancouver, Canada) : info@spartacusbooks.net
- ZineGangDistro (Melbourne, Australia) : …
- …
Network Distributors
- Antennae Books : (Sara Lefsyk Reference)
- Art Book, D.A.P. (Artist Books) : submissions@dapinc.com
- Asterism (Poetry) : [Form]
- Booklyn : … Libraries
- Microcosm : [Form]
- Moon Palace Books : (N/A for Now)
- PRINTED MATTER* : [Complete Form and Mail: 231 11th Avenue New York, NY 10001]
- …
other directories
- Independent Bookstores in the US & Canada
- Open Book
- New York Bookstore List
- a running list of bookstores that have unionized
- unsure of accuracy
- much of this list is from NONMACHINABLE’s Guide to Zine Distros
share something and we will add it!
notice an error? write to betweenthehighway@gmail.com